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Nessie Monster Crafts

301 subscribers

About Nessie Monster Crafts

Hey great to see you here! My name is Nessie and I am crazy about arts and crafts.
I live on a small lifestyle block with my family and we are busy renovating our 100 year old home.
What you will discover on this channel is that I don't make the perfect crafting videos where everything goes according to plan 100% of the time. Despite being the self acclaimed Crafting Queen, I am only human and you too will get to share when things go a bit haywire, as well as sharing in the success of the final outcomes! Life is a journey, lets have fun along the way.

You can help support this channel by buying me a coffee. With a small $5 donation, you can help me to continue making more content and buying more craft supplies to have fun creating with (Or hoarding lol). You will see the link to my Kofi account in the channel banner right above here on this page, and also in the description of each of my crafting videos!

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