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Adventures on the Road

4,850 subscribers

About Adventures on the Road

Created in 2021 by Kevin, an automotive enthusiast who gave up car ownership many years ago and has been renting cars full time ever since. Kevin is based out of Toronto but has traveled extensively throughout the US and dozens of other countries and rented over 1,000 vehicles over the years in several different countries.

This channel covers everything from car rental selections at various airports and rental agencies to car shows and events and road trips around the world.

Here are some ways to help support this channel and my work to continue to add new content on a regular basis:

1. Subscribe to the channel;
2. Join a channel membership:
3. Donations and tips can be left at the Donate with PayPal link:…

Thanks everyone for watching and I really appreciate all of your support!

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@CarRentalsGuy on Twitter

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