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Adam Genius

0 subscribers

About Adam Genius

Hello everybody!
My name is Adam, I am 12 years old ( message from 25.112018) and I'm from Poland.
Generally speaking I'm going to do a lot of different stuff on this channel.
Allright now let's talk about me as an entertainer.
Though I'm quite young person and I have been learning english for just a few years langguage barier should not be a problem because everyone arround me is of the opinion that I speak english really well as for my age.By the way I think I'm going to deal with streaming,however I'm not sure if I want to stream on YouTube instead of Twich because though it's easier to get out of buttom streaming on YouTube but if you are really popular streamer you usually stram on Twich so I need to wonder about advantages and disadvantages of both platforms before I start to stream on 1 of them 7 times in a week.

Well,I think that's all I wanted to tell you so.

Hopefully see you soon.
Adam Geniusz.
BIZNES/[email protected](my e mail)

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