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Sheena Kraft

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About Sheena Kraft

GOD IS REAL!!! AND JESUS IS ALIVE AND WELL!!! Darwin was wrong; there are no 2 living things that are exactly alike even if the difference is only the space they occupy, that is the only evolution, being somewhere else. Eternity is just what our definition of the word IS, no end. We will live forever. In the immediate LIFE after death, some souls soar up through the clouds to what destination I don't know; but I do know that a lot of souls are doing things that they did in this part that we have of LIFE on earth and it determines what comes in the next LIFE. LOVE everyone NOW so you won't be stuck with anyone you hated later. It could happen! Please don't call me crazy. My Guardian Angel won't like it and may cause you some harm or even death. I am not joking. I have seen this happen many times. Example: I sent a certified letter to then U.S. Atty. General Eric Holder, I never got a response from his office, he got sick. H. Baxter in Dade County found me guilty, he was wrong.

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