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Silent Gamers

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Información sobre Silent Gamers

The former owner of this account is good friend of mine. They no longer want to use this account anymore since they’ve lost all motivation to make anymore videos. So they gave it all to me since this channel is also half mine as well. Some of the videos here were also done by me as well too. My friend was just the one who used this account the most. I will still keep this channel up and will still be using it for personal use but as far as new videos yeah I don’t think I or my friend will be making anymore vids here. I understand if you guys wanna unsubscribe. Perfectly valid and understandable but we’re just kinda over all this YouTube stuff. Oh and as for our 2nd channel that will also kinda be abandoned too since there’s not much too do with that one too. My friends just wants to focus on other things in their life now and honest so do I. We hope you guys understand and we hope you guys have a good day!

Oh and thank you all so very very much for enjoying our content and stuff!

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