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About AkathisiaWarrior

Never thought about doing videos, but my interaction with clueless medical professionals about my disorder has kind of made me want to shout from the rooftops about Akathisia. No one seems to get it. That there is a life threatening neurological disorder caused by coming off psychiatric medications. My Akathisia started in 2018, I believe, after being ripped off all my meds. Wrong sent to detox & rehab. I went undiagnosed for 2 years! In those years, it was treated as rebound anxiety. Put on and taken off more meds. I started to research after Benzo groups kept telling me it was anxiety. Kept telling people I never had anxiety this bad, that something was terribly wrong. By 2020, found an Akathisia group and told my doctor. We’ve tried everything. He has officially stated he does not know what to do in 2023. Have been looking for alternative treatments. Recently I was ripped off Latuda and it has made EVERYTHING worse. Sent back to acute withdrawal #akathisia #prescribedharm

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