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TWill Line Man for Hire

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TWill Line Man for Hireの説明

As a Line Man in the field of fiber optics, 5G and coaxial cable. It's been a journey getting to this point. I started out in the business as an Installer for a local Prime Contractor back in 2001. That didn't last long, as faith would have it I met a guy name Rowdy who worked at the same Prime as an installer. The thing was he was only there waiting on another contract to open in aerial construction. He was the first person to tell me " Tee you are not an installer, you are a lineman". At that time i didn't even know what that was.. lol .. Almost 20 years later here i am. Owner of Twill Contracting Inc.. and one of the most respected aerial contractors in the St. Louis metro and surrounding areas.

Always feel free to comment on my videos. That way i can get to know what you like and don't in the video today

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