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Tayla Burrell

10,600 subscribers

About Tayla Burrell

Hey! I'm Tayla - here to help you achieve your big goals by working smarter, not harder πŸ”

I share insights on using productivity, high performance and self development to achieve ambitious goals in work, life, health and business - to help you create a life you don't need a break from 🀍

Stick around to learn more about
πŸ’Ž Setting & achieving your ambitious goals
πŸ’Ž Creating & maintaining healthy habits and routines
πŸ’Ž Maximising your productivity by mastering your time, energy & focus
πŸ’Ž Embracing your multipassionate nature & finding your unique life path

Join me in navigating the corporate world, pursuing a side hustle and striving to live a big, bold, fulfilling life ✨

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