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JCResDocStudt94 l Verified l ᱬ l

1,880 subscribers

About JCResDocStudt94 l Verified l ᱬ l

•USA/AU🏆. •BioEthicist in Medicine (Research Methodologist & Data Analyst (Epidemics))

This acnt use to belong to a company, which I worked for, that no longer exists. (Now it is mine.)

Verified status removed across platforms during COVID, before I said anything controversial (merely very mainstream Edu intro epidemic medicine & immunology vids I made early pandemic, during lockdown). Never restored. For mentioning B & T Cells too early. & being against forced product sales. Which I still am.

Open science & free speech absolutism is now especially important. I spend a lot of my free time trolling bad faith actors, in medicine, who I either: A) know do know better (bc they taught me), Or B) should know better & have a responsibility to engage the data more honestly. But that is only after my pages were struck. I use to be *way* responsible hey.

Clinician comic. HIGHLY VAC'D. Politics: LEFT (& running for office). -JC

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