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The Old Mayfield Place

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About The Old Mayfield Place

Welcome to the Old Mayfield Place! I'm Sno, The Farmer's Wife and I teach you to be more self-reliant in so many ways such as growing your own food, using herbal medicine, and preserving food for long term storage.

We live on the farm that has been in my husband's family for over 150 years and raise cattle, chickens, ducks, and guineas. We also have a large garden and many fruit trees and berry bushes. We preserve our food by canning, dehydrating, freezing and freeze drying with the goal of feeding ourselves as much as we can from our own labors to be less dependent on a broken food system.

By profession I'm a pharmacist and got interested in herbal medicine in pharmacy school when they still taught herbal medicine. (Yes, I'm older than dirt.) I love learning more about herbal medicine and I love to teach others about the healing power of herbs so they can live healthier, more independent lives.

Welcome to the Old Mayfield Place where

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