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Megan | eco-Gal

2 subscribers

About Megan | eco-Gal

#BLOCKOUT - Join the movement to BLOCK celebrities and influencers who unethically use their influence.
Even though I believe it would be incredible if everyone with influence would support a ceasefire in Gaza, I am not participating in #BLOCKOUT over any single issue. I #BLOCKOUT those influencers who misuse, or abuse, or unethically use their MAJOR influence. *WE* have fully funded very lavish lifestyles for influencers and frankly it's no longer enough to just "not follow". Any engagement is funneling cash to these people - slamming the social media doors is the only way to exercise some power with regard to people who (largely undeservingly) have enormous wealth and power. Even if you never followed someone, blocking still has an impact.

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