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About high1voltage1rules

hello 😃
my channel is making some changes as I’d like to mix some things up so it’s not just one topic! I’ll be doing either: high voltage, induction heating” high current videos” scrapyard visits” Carnage” explosions“ destruction” anything funny” worth a good laugh!. And if i build something brilliant” ill upload that too for you. And maybe sometimes a good exploring video. anything entertaining for you guys/girls lol. i just love youtube and making videos for it whenever possible.

My life at the moment is unfortunately is abit hectic” but I’m trying to make changers whenever possible. This isn’t permanent!! But please be patient things will be back to normal soon.🤞😇

Thanks for visiting my channel and please subscribe” not to miss any future uploads.

hope your all well and be safe in this difficult time 👍😉

Anthony/ High1Voltage1Rules

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