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Kingdom Walker 247

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About Kingdom Walker 247

Kingdomwalker 247 was founded by me in 2019 after my 4th near death experience. After suffering injury from a medical accident, I received supernatural miraculous healings through Jesus Christ. I was miraculously healed of cancer in 2014 and then brought before the glory throne of Jesus in 2015. I saw him in his full radiant glory as the Savior and Creator. He poured out his unconditional love and bathed me in his eternal wisdom answering every question I ever had. He revealed to me the purpose of our mission here on earth, and gave insight into the Kingdom of God. My mission is to spread Christ's gospel of the coming Kingdom of God, the deep profound love of the Savior, and to help others on their own personal journey in Christ Jesus declared in my testimonies and artwork. I was educated and refined in deep spiritual warfare. It was the Power of Christ, His Name, His Blood, His redemption, that gave me victory to share what I have learned.

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