Arms unfolding | ANIMATIC | vent/gift/ocs

Published 2023-06-12
After nearly 35 hours this work is finally done!!! It was so spontaneous but very ipmportant to me. ALSO THANKS FOR 10K SUBS THAT'S INSANE!! and nearly 200 k views on my last video, I still can't comprehend how quickly we've grown already! Thanks for sticking by, I do this with pure passion and love! Arms unfolding is for my dearest and most beloved friend Felicia. If soulmates, twinflames or whatever exists, then we've been those for nearly 10 years. This animatic is related to how we drifted apart after uneventful times. I was at my worst place and we were going seperate ways; it broke me down and I pushed everything away, I was stuck in memories and past days. She was moving forward and when she realized she wanted me in her life too again, it was already too late. It has taken us a long time of growing and understanding before we now finally connected back again, and it's as wonderful as it used to be. Before I made this I was fighting a lot of stress and anxiety and I had struggled with my art for several days, unable to even sit down for a couple of minutes to draw. She reached out to me that day and it helped and inspired me so much I sketched down the roughs of this that same evening. Some might even remember other deleted animatics/animations I have of us two, and I can't wait to post more of our characters and worlds. My instagram: Characters: Song by @doddleoddle :