War of the Worlds Pt1


The real title is Nimbin: The Martian Saga
Pt1: Eve of the War, but that obviously doesnt fit in the name thing. Its called War of the Worlds because thats what it is, this is the first episode of a 27 part series, each episode covering a chapter of the original novel which is over 100 years old now. Tho i have thrown in the odd joke or 2, and modified the story slightly so it would blend into my Nimbin series.

It contains an original soundtrack that was created by my good friend Jim Hort. The entire soundtrack contains over 40 songs, even tho this movie contains only 3 or 4. It also features characters designed by the Spanish artist Juandi, also exclusively for the movie.

Voices and animation all done by me, Caties voice supplied by Electra Prompt.

This will seem new to people who have only ever seen the 1953 George Pal film.