
Published 2010-02-17

--woah, thanks Tom. I was REALLY not expecting front page for this!

This is my newest animation. I started it near the end of january and finished it up leading up to now.

I ended up with a lot of time off (well.. a week) after exams were done with so I got back to my cave and felt like animating a little. I know its been ages since I've submitted anything, let alone something solo. I want to be more regular about it for the next little bit and I've got some ideas to work away at.

As for this piece, I like how it turned out. Its definitely a calm, relaxed experience. You ultra-violence folk might not like it much, but thats alright.

I think it's the first time I've used Flash's blurs in anything. Usually I don't like them much but they fit in a couple places here.

Its up to you to read into the 'story' if you choose to. There's only one subtle thing that makes it kind of clever. Maybe someone will catch it, maybe not.

Its pretty long for me, actually. Its 112 seconds. Usually I'm lucky to beat 1:15. AND its 24 fps, so thats like, 2684 frames. woah dude.

oh also I made all the music. its very plunky! I only had garageband and my computer keyboard to work with, but yeah, that was fun too.

Anyways, hope you like it. Leave reviews with your thoughts, I usually respond.
