BoomCat: Battle of Zion

Published 2018-04-20


New: You can download the .swf file from my web site to play faster!!! Try it for free on iOS and Android.

Bug report: The cat seems to be invisible at the level 2 with some browsers. The game has been tested on FIREFOX-SAFARI-CHROME. No bug reproted with these browsers.

Use <- & -> to move and W or Z to shoot if necessary (if Fire icon is on screen).

Collect Yellow powercells to take off!

BoomCat story....

An evil force named DeathClaw is approaching Zion.
Zion is a peaceful planet of the solar system KAD-34 and possesses an unlimited stock of energy named POWERCELL.
DeathClaw has planed to steal this unbelievable source of energy, and if so, Zion will be submerged in darkness!
BoomCat is our last chance! Chase DeathClaw and get back the POWERCELL.

Fight against 5 bosses:
-...and DeathClaw!!!!

Good Luck, BoomCat.