Graveyard Dates

Published 2020-06-17

Graveyard Dates was made in 72 hours in collaboration with Jing Chun Tan, who provided amazing artwork (I only drew the zombies), beautiful music, and the motivation to work on this project until the end!. [LD link]


A creepy-cute tale of a supernatural-fighting agent and an anarchistic witch from another world.

This game is a mix of action platformer and graveyard dating sim. Blast your way through waves of enemies to complete your mission and traverse between worlds for love, while keeping an eye on your phone for important messages.


  • 2 playable characters
  • 6 levels
  • Multiple endings
  • Dual wielding
  • Mission ranks
  • Dating ranks


  • WASD /arrow keys: move
  • Spacebar / Z / W : jump
  • Left click: use ranged weapon, pick options on your phone.
  • Right click: use melee weapon.

Original soundtrack: