It Was All For The Tuna


“It Was All For The Tuna” is a relaxing fishing sim where you play as a cat named Toro tasked to harvest as much tuna as you can to feed all of Nekotuna! Can you find the elusive Godfin tuna?

  • features 6 different species of tuna, each with different values
  • unique fishing mechanic where you manage your stamina along with the fish’s
  • one-button mouse game for fishing and navigation

Created in 72 hours for Ludum Dare 52 Jam. The theme was "Harvest". 

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Note: The game may take a moment to load. If the game does not load you may have to enable WebGL on your browser.



  • Click and hold left mouse button


  • Target a tuna with your mouse
  • Click and hold left mouse button to engage
  • Release to disengage
  • Move your mouse behind your boat to consume energy and reel in the fish
  • Move your mouse in font of your boat to restore stamina


  • Target a town with your mouse
  • Click and hold to move towards the town
  • Upgrade menu will open when you get close enough to the town

Try to catch all the tuna and get all the upgrades!

Known Issues

  • Web full screening can cause text to go missing. Please download the standalone version to play full screen.
  • Web version may have audio that is extremely loud. This issue doesn't happen on the standalone version.


Developed by Cosmic Adventure Squad (@squad_cosmic

Support us on Ko-Fi!


Soundtrack (YouTube / SoundCloud)