Zelda ALTTP Scene Creator

Published 2006-05-04

Update 5-28-06: Now the music will loop and special thanks to Ultimate tutorials.

Update (5-28-06): I have rename this flash and its stand for Legend of Zelda A Link to the past in case you confuse because the word creater is spelled wrong so I change it to creator.

(Note: You need Flash player 6 or higher). This is scene creator of Zelda verson and this one has a really big background so you have more place to put it. This game is about creating your own scene with sprite and background. I also have Super Mario Scene Creator on newgrounds and you should check it out. (http://newgrounds.com/p
ortal/view/310503). This is really hard working making this flash and this took me about three days of work. I hope you enjoy this game and don't forget to check my other flash.