Robot Reaction

Published 2009-07-12

Try to blow up as many robots as you can.

There are 10 fast paced rounds. 6 different robot types which explode in different ways.

Goal was robot-themed chain reaction genre meets wario-ware-like frenzied 5-second game play.

I'm aware that it seems largely luck based but I enjoy it and there is a bit of strategy involved to getting consistent B ratings and above. I am paying attention though and thinking about the luck vs strategy balance so please keep that constructive feedback coming, I'm listening!

*UPDATE* Thank you everyone for the Daily Second Place award! It is always encouraging to get positive motivation like this.

*UPDATE 2* Thanks again everyone for getting this onto the frontpage featured games area! I'm very appreciative of you all playing my game.

VERSION HISTORY: (your feedback is improving this game, thanks!)

v1.0 - July 11th, 2009: Released.

v1.0.1 - July 12, 2009: Added ratings (A - F) and ratings text based on feedback.

v1.0.2 - July 13, 2009: Added local highscore tracking with progress messages.

v1.0.3 - July 14, 2009: Added slight delay w/ fadeout and round robots killed display between rounds, added sound and music mute buttons, fixed 1 off error in highscore message (thanks deadpenguins!)