Robo Rope

Published 2022-07-19

Note: this was made in 48 hours for the GMTK game jam 2021.


WASD/Arrows/Controller to move

R to restart

How To Play:

You control the big robot.

The small robot only moves towards you in the lasers path and will not go around any obstacles in the way.

You must lead the small robot to the end door.

Special Tile Basics:

The dotted special tile has 2 variations, yellow and blue.

The big robot can collide with the yellow tile but not the blue one and vise-versa for the small robot.

When the big robot is in the blue dotted tile's radius, the small robot will no longer move towards the big one.


This is the boost tile.

This special tile can come in four directional variations.

The big robot does not collide with the boost tiles and neither does the small one.

The boost only works on the small robot only when in the tile's radius.


Have Fun!