Farmbot - Toy v1

Published 2023-06-12

Hey. This is a toy and not a fully fledged game. I was working through @SpaceCat tutorial on YouTube and developed a touch further than where he left off. I learnt a lot from his video as well as, I have to give a shout out to @Lazydev and @DocRob. They all have amazing informative channels on YouTube as well.

EDIT: Also I forgot to thank NerdyTeacher as well. I yoinked the LERP function from the PICO VIEW web zine. Would really be awesome if there was a PDF/printable version of PICO VIEW. Being out at sea with bad internet makes looking up reference hard.

Like I said, this is a toy. I am still learning a lot and have only completed one Fantasy Console game (CHIPPY - LowresNX). But I have to admit that this is far too addictive playing with Pico8.

I dabbled with adding caterpillars as "enemies" but haven't taken it further than spawning them.

V1 - I have added some sounds to play around with the feel. I have also looked at adding character portraits.