Poke the Mongo

Published 2023-06-12


You are Poke, the Mongo: Trickster spirit, consort of Lightning and Thunder.

For seasons uncounted, you have abided unseen among the bright mammals. On occasion, you've lent a jolt of inspiration where it amused you. But to your dismay, the primates learned to perceive and capture your sibling spirits. They harnessed your aspects in spark & wire to commit their crimes.

There is hope: These children are not patient. Given enough resistance, they abandon this game for another.

So, the duty is yours: Struggle against artifacts made from your own nature. Frustrate the monkeys until they set aside their toys. Free your brothers and sisters.


Update (v1.0): I've been working on this long enough - let's call it 1.0! Helpful message when Lightning is ready. New animated screens for defeat and victory!

Update (v0.10): Been slacking, but here are a couple of bars of music for the dodgeball mini-game.

Update (v0.9): Added sound effects and a little music. Came up with a short cover version of the walking music.

Update (v0.8): A whole bunch of things! Clouds, weather, THUNDER ANNOYANCE on button press when stamina is full. Candy to fill stamina! Much larger town map! Mongovision[tm] to find baddies!

Update (v0.4): Now you can bounce the ball back at the baddie for an extra stamina heal bonus - hit UP just before it captures you, but not too early! Baddies shake more vigorously in frustration. A few damage values have been tweaked to make things just a bit easier.

Update (v0.3): Dodge ball encounter is harder - now you have to dodge side-to-side and duck! Frustration meter removed and replaced with salty dialog!

Update (v0.2): Now, with an actual game goal and backstory! Frustrate the players until they quit!


More salty dialog! (suggestions welcome!)

Lightning annoy ability in dodgeball minigame

Trees & clouds in dodgeball scenery

Better dodging animations

Night time?


Baddies multiply? Wander to mongostops?