Piano Roll Music Visualizer (and MIDI importer)

Published 2023-06-12

I recently made a program that can translate (some) MIDIs to PICO-8 tracker format and I thought I'd also make a fun visualizer to show it off :)

The music you see (and hear) above is J.S. Bach's Sinfonia 15 in B minor (BWV 801). It was translated from a MIDI file (that I found on the internet somewhere) into PICO-8 tracker format by the aforementioned tool:


This visualizer takes a simple approach of displaying whatever notes it sees are currently playing each frame (if any notes changed) so it may skip notes if the notes ever change faster than the FPS (this cart runs at 60). A more robust visualizer could be written, but I just wanted something that could display most normal songs for fun :)

You can use this visualizer to display your own music by downloading this cart and uncommenting one or both of these lines in the _init() function (and changing the path string appropriately):

I hope you enjoy watching the little notes go by. I enjoy Bach's keyboard music and much of it also happens to translate very easily to PICO-8 tracker format :)