~Don't Stop Believing CC~

Published 2013-08-15
~Song is Don't Stop Believing by Journey~
Yup, a new coloring contest along with results to the last one. Please enter, or just enjoy the music and lineart. ^.^ I'm trying out a new style. Like it? Don't like it? Comment, please...
Ohmahgerd I forgot the inside ear-tuft things! Nuuuu!!! Add it if you want. *Facepalm* Oh yeah, skip this next part if you didn't enter my last CC and read the rules, tips, and prizes for this one.
RESULTS to the I'm Yours Coloring Contest:

1st Place: Bluebird2000! http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/11432637/
Okay, this isn't just because she's my friend, I really judged these based on just the coloring. It's amazing how you can incorporate effects and shade so nice and smooth. It's beautiful, overall. You win: 3 prizes and one character design request~

2nd Place: VocaloidsFOREVER! http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/11502218/
The effects on this just blew me away. Great job, and I love the story!!! You win: 2 prizes and a character design request!

3rd Place: GirlOnFire5! http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/11430969/
O.O Mind. Blown. You're entry is so smooth, so nice. And it was done in Scratch! What an amazing job! I also like the small, simple story you incorporated <3 You win: 1 prize and one character design request~

HMs: ZoeZoe1 and WaffleWarrior!
You each win: One art request~
All of you did amazing, thank you for entering!
Okay, now to this Coloring Contest.
♥Don't change the song
♥Please, no fill bucket on this one
♥Be fair, be nice, don't insult other projects
♥Don't use the lineart for anything else
♥You HAVE to add your entry to the gallery
♥Don't change the lineart drastically
♥Actually put effort into your entry
♥Say 'Believe' in your comment when you link me your entry so I know you read this
♥Use another program
♥Do an exceptional job in Scratch (Like GirlOnFire5. OMG I can't get over how awesome that was)
♥Match what the song's saying
♥Add a story (I looove that)
♥Make the cat have a nice design.
♥First Place: Pick 3 prizes, 1 character design request
♥Second Place: Pick 2 prizes OR get 2 character design requests
♥Third Place: Pick 1 prize, 1 character design request
♥Honorable Mentions: 1 character design request OR one simple art request
Blargh I just typed my heart out. Bai for now, guys and DON'T STOP BELIEVING! ^u^