[pre alpha] 2D Minecraft

Published 2017-01-09
>This is not an official version of Minecraft. This game was "fan made" by @solved. Be sure to check out one of the official editions of Minecraft by Mojang!
>Scrolling Tiles Engine by @griffpatch
How to load an addOn in the pre alpha:
First of all: If you want to test addOns and you're not interested in coding them, click on load and then enter "example" to load an addOn where you can craft 4 dirt to a new block "blue grass" which can be placed and broken to get a "blue shard".

How to script addOns:
1)Define the thing you want to add.
>>You can choose {block};{item};{recipe}
>>Be sure to keep the order: First add all blocks you want to add, then define all items and then add crafting recipes
2.1)Defining blocks
You start with {block}. After that, enter {{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}}. It is important, that you have exactly twelf opened and closed brackets. Inside the brackets, you can now enter new data values for the block. Each bracket has a different data to save. Here's the format:
1) costume [1-58]
2) colour [0 - 100]
3) hardness [e for unbreakable/ number e.g: 9:dirt; 40:stone]
4) dropID [Choose a valid ID]
5) solid [0/1]
6) animated [Enter animation code]
7) name [Choose a block-name]
8) burnable [0/1]
9) dropAmount [How many items shall drop?]
10) clickEvent [e.g. Crafting Table has craft]
11) RegisterItemDrop ["0" for nothing/number of item]
12) vanillaItem [Enter "v" for vanilla; "a" for addOn; "b" for block]
2.2)Defining items
You start with {item}. After that, enter {{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}}. It is important, that you have exactly ten opened and closed brackets. Inside the brackets, you can now enter new data values for the item. Each bracket has a different data to save. Here's the format:
1) name
2) type [tool/item]
3) burnable [0/1]
4) durability [e for no durability/number]
5) dataPoints [Depending on toolType & itemType: Armorpoints; Breakpoints; Damagepoints]
6)toolType [p for pickaxe,...]
7) effectType [not in the game yet, will be used for golden apples etc.; enter nothing]
8) effectEvent [not in the game yet; enter nothing]
9) costume [1-58]
10) colour [0-100]
2.3)Defining recipes
You start with {block}. After that, enter {{}{}{}{}}. It is important, that you have exactly four opened and closed brackets. Inside the brackets, you can now enter new data values for the recipes. Each bracket has a different data to save. Here's the format:
1) type [craft for crafting table; inv for inventory]
2) resultID [enter a valid ID]
3) resultAmount [enter a number]
4.1) recipes if you've chosen "craft"
Enter {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}. Each pair of brackets represents one slot of the crafting table. Enter "null" for a slot without crafting recipes or enter a valid ID.
4.2) recipes if you've chosen "inv"
Enter {}{}{}{}. Each pair of brackets represents one slot of the inventory crafting. Enter "null" for a slot without crafting recipes or enter a valid ID.