Blobber v1.5.2 Alfa

Published 2013-12-24
v1.5.2 Alfa - 03/23/14
-Removed Creepy Snowman
-Removed Plot line
+Added Music Mute/Unmute

v1.5.0 Alfa - 03/22/14 - Spring Update
*Replaced Snow with Flowers
-Reduced Loudness of Music
-Removed Clouds

v1.1.0 Alfa - 12/24/2013
+Added Music
+Added One More Level

v1.0.0 Alfa - 12/24/2013 - Winter Update
+ Added 10 Levels
+ Added Snow
+ Changed 1st NPC Sprite to Snowman
+ Buttons to Stop Snow

-Snow Idea from WASDgamer
-Some Physics of Player Sprite from Ghost World