FHS Re-Auditions

Published 2017-07-15
Song: Do You Like Waffles (if you know me you will know why :P ) if audio gets repetitive, view this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UsxpKpmGXVI&t=1738s [its appropriate, I swear]

sorry that there are only two male characters! There are MUCH more in the full story.

Southpaw is based upon a real cat that died. May he rest in peace <3

In case some names are hard to pronounce, here are pronunciations:

Midnight: its obvious

Shady: Shay-dee

Icy: its obvious

Bon Bon: again, its obvious

Minty: ...do I even need to say?

Calista: Cuh-list-uh

Nox: as spelled

Cole: Cohle

Southpaw: South + paw

Hidari: Hid-are-ee

Migi: Me-gee

(in Japanese Migi and Hidari are pronoucned differently, but it is very hard so I am just doing this)