Asherah Bio

Published 2017-10-22
fire to it, she dragged herself burned and heavily scarred both physically and mentally out of the burning house, she was taken into an orphanage and from their given foster parents. Her relationship with them was bad they always fought violently sometimes weapons would get involved it got so bad and at one point she was taken away and her foster parents who where charged with abuse and another chargers she was released back into the company for another 2 months before her 11th Birthday she woke to find the changes they didn't really bother her She had always been a freak inside and somewhat out now the outside matched she wasn't going to celebrate her birthday she had no friends and her foster parents where going to the pub that night she walked down stairs when her foster parents saw her they freaked and almost killed her not recognising her she fled wounded and scared and angry why did everybody think her a freak ? She went down to the ocean she had always loved surfing there and from there was found and taken by the penguin she was never given counselling for her traumatic experiences and is a scarred mentally possibly forever because of it|| None, as explained in her backstory her real parents are dead and her foster parents hated her|| She's too scared to love and seems and does hate it, she's scared of rejection and having her already broken and frozen heart broken again she hopes she can find somebody who likes her for who she is but she down t care if that persons only a friend but in fact she would rather it that way OPEN ?! Just ask tbd gah... romance ick...|| She loves animals but their all scared of her and her weapons and stay away making her even more depressed||She loves anime dragons and war and tends to vent and get super weird and obsessive over the three she also loves the Oceane and surfing|||