Rocket Science Tests

Published 2018-01-12

          -=Rocket Science=-
     A work-in-progress game by @FriezKing

This is just a test with the physics, and the game has a lot more to come. Ever since I gave up on Lunar Smash, I felt guilt on from ending a project, so I decided to make another space game! Eh, close enough. Anyways, my plan is to add some sort of collectable like a coin and meteors to dodge and collect, while evil virtual giraffes fly by. This is also my response to SnowBrawl, taking in all the amazing feedback I got, but this doesn't have any weapons, neither thousands of crazy homing robot coming from everywhere! xD
◆ Press Ctrl-M if you ever enter fullscreen.
◆ Z to brake.
◆ X to boost your rocket.
◆ Right or down arrows to rotate clockwise.
◆ Left or up to rotate counter-clockwise.
◆ Moon design inspired by @Kevin_Eleven_1234, so thanks to him!
◆ Before I get comments on this, the controls are supposed to be difficult!
◆ Love and favorite to show support this and my future projects!