- 340+ DTAE -

Published 2019-04-18
@CandlesInTheDark for the DTA!
I entered for Pastel Killer, enjoy! (Go down for the bio.)

Name: Crystelle.
Gender: Female.
Personality: Creative, loud (unless she's stalking something), Bubbly and chatty (if there's someone to talk to), sometimes deep inside she's really angry/confused/sad especially when she doesn't show it. Can be mysterious.
Likes: Doodling, pastel colors, making up dance moves, inventing new fur-styles, sneaking around without being seen, studying the stars, ribbons, hearts, remembering...
Dislikes: Being interrupted, really bright sunshine, really dark clouds, other creatures staring at her, others' opinions, others treating her differently.
Backstory: She does not remember her childhood, but only remembers waking up alone on a large stone in a clearing bathed in moonlight just outside the huge castle she now lives in.
Kin: Unknown.
Other: Has nightmares during the nighttime that effect her strangely during the day. When she is really upset, a little crack shows through the heart on her chest. Can be caught singing lullabies to her ax sometimes. Has an extremely good memory.

Note: Let me know if I need to draw her ax a little clearer, it's kinda hard to see, or if there's anything else I need to change.