
Published 2018-04-08
Ode to a picture. I drew a picture, and my focus was to symbolize the concept of a window, without it actually being a window, instead the opening of the body to release the soul. It's a poem about death.
It's long, and choppy, and doesn't rhyme. An ode is a type of lyric poem, but longer, and it usually is dedicated to a certain idea. Lyric poems usually have a repeated line, over here it's about Melancholy telling the subject about sorrow twice, and the third time missing.

Poem's main idea and concept, along with art and code is by me.
If you remix, change something. And if you don't change the poem itself, please give credit to the original creator of this. Thank you.

Song: Horizon (or by horizon? I forgot.)

Text from google docs and scratch
I think I should stop scratching, but I keep opening it up to check my messages. Why am I so curious?
Have you ever sat down for a really long time just to contemplate the reasons what you should be doing, and never end up doing them?