Wintergatan Marble Machine

Published 2018-06-20
Finally finished the editting function! Feel free to post your own exports in the comments or remix with different songs. I'm busy with school, so I won't have time to make any updates soon, but the plan is to include those complex instructions in the game itself so you don't have to scroll and read them.

For example, here's Viva la vida:

Thanks everyone for your support! This is my first (and only) finished* project. I made this project 4 years ago when I was still a newbie at coding, so I never fully finished it. I just started working on it again and added a few features, so I'll publish the new version when I'm done with it

Credits to Wintergatan for his song:

Coding by me. Drawings by me.
Instrumental sounds come from scratch.
Other sound effects come from the video above.

Changelog (last updated 3/24/2022)
V2.3 - 06/2022
Finished editing functions
Bass notes now display their fret number
Added import/export buttons on home screen
Added freeze feature when asking questions
Fixed editing issue where dragging would delete notes
Consolidated sounds to instrument sprites: Vibraphone, BassGuitar, and Drums
Fixed initialization bugs
Fixed edit mode bpm
Added sustain and damper pedal

V2.2 - 06/2022
Added In-game Instructions
Created Editting interface to view note pegs (saving edits not yet implemented)
Changed tempo to normal bpm

V2.1 - 03/2022
Implemented tracks
- Saving and loading tracks after changing Vibraphone and Bass tuning
- Clicking programming plate allows switching between modulated tracks
- Art change for operator levers
- Fixed unresponsive vibraphone/bass tuning

V2.0 - 03/2022
UI changes, glowing outline for interactive components (not all implemented yet)
Vibraphone and Bass Tuning
Corrected bass notes and changed coding
Changed user controls:
- Number keys and first row of letters can be used to press the frets on the bass guitar (if "autoBass" is set to false)
- Lower left letters a, z, s, x, d, c, f, v, g, and b can be used to trigger vibraphone notes (when vibraphone operator handle is shut off)
- Tempo handle is controlled by 'k' and locked by 'l'
Tempo control is easier to keep constant without lock
User changes in tuning can carry over when pressing the flag. Refresh to restore default notes.
Volume balancing between drums, bass, and vibraphone
V1.0 - 06/2018
Changed music coding to binary
Changed instrument to vibraphone
Fixed song code
Added Drums (snare, kick, crash cymbal, shaker)
Decreased marble size
Added Bass
Extended song to 32 measures for chorus
Changed look to 3D
V0.2 - 06/2018
Fixed loading algorithm
Marbles play desired notes
Added another operator handle to lock speed (9)
Coded Wintergatan Marble machine song

V0.1 - 05/2018
Added marble droppers and marbles
Created Tempo Handle
Created Instrument Operator Handles
Added manual vibraphone (keys 1-0, o, and p)

V0.0 - 04/2018
Started Project
Created frame decoration, xylophone, and title screen
Isolated sound effects for tempo handle and braking from video