water cycle game for school

Published 2018-11-14
Hey im Benjamin! help me move by using the arrow keys! I have a pointy head, glasses, and no friends. I am also single. Oh no! a pit! dont want to fall in that! Hey another raindrop! I wonder what her name is? She seems very adventurous. I wonder if she likes me? i like her.=) She wants me to climb a mountain with her! She said thats the evaporation part. It took FOREVER for me to climb. She climbed it very, very fast though. We are on the top of the mountain now. she said the second part was condensation. i need to travel through that pink glass to get to the other side. On the other side, there are a bunch of clouds. we are in heaven! Jesus tells us the next part: precipitation! We go down a big slide! We ended up back on the ground! Susie wants to Marry me now! I have to say yes! she tells us the last part, groundwater storage. we jump into the ground and splash into more water. The End