you wanted to see me...

be yourself and nobody else.
if your mad, show it
if your different, express it
if you cant spell it, say it
if you love it, keep it
if you made a mistake, accept it
if you love yourself, be happy
if your quirky, express yourself
if your sad, dont deny it
if you harm yourself, tell someone you trust
if you want to leave, then go
just accept that YOU are loved
people CARE
YOURSELF is just longer and more annoying side of you
AND you keep telling yourself you are not good enough
for OTHERS standards
you DO not have to be this way
people say your TOO fat or not pretty


National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (U.S.A.)
Call 1-800-273-8255

you are not alone,

DISCLAIMER this phone number is intended to help prevent attempted suicide(s)
every 10 minutes a US citizen attempts suicide 70% succeed
we need to reduce that number down to at least 10% so we are reducing the tolls on the world, there families and loved ones will thank you for it,

if you or someone you know is struggling with depression or has suicidal thoughts, DO NOT hesitate to call this number,
you are not alone. ill be honest it wont get easier but TRUST ME it will get better, if you know you need help, talk to anyone you trust. or a counselling office, they may not understand but they do care and they can help...

_Y_O_U_ _A_R_E_ _L_O_V_E_D_ _Y_O_U_ _M_A_Y_ _N_O_T
_S_E_E_ _I_T_ _N_O_W_ _B_U_T_ _I_T_S_ _T_R_U_E_