Felix Reference

Published 2019-03-17
Art - Me
Song - Appetite of a People-Pleaser - GHOST
OC - Me

Bio (ik it says it in the project but I wanted to go more in detail):

Name - Felix O' Cornell

Age - 23

Height, Weight, Species - 5'5, 172 (for his height, that's overweight fyi). Demon-creature who's a fire elemental, born too cold, so he has weaker magic and lower health; often getting sick.

Headcanon Voice - Brendon Urie

Closest Relationships - Victor (Boyfriend), Claire ("Best Friend")

Personality and Other Traits - Gloomy; often sad, shy. He has very low self-esteem/self-respect and he hates his body in particular, although he has a lot of respect for others.
People-pleaser; will do anything to make his loved ones happy.
Very caring, kind. Feels like everything bad that happens to someone he loves is his fault, and he could've prevented it.
Will push away his own pain/struggles/worries so he can please others, bottling up his feelings so others won't worry, TRYING to keep them hidden, until he has an outburst. Emotional and short-tempered

Likes -
Victor; his beloved boyfriend
Even more food
Most people
Horror movies

Victor being sad
Rude/mean people
His body

Backstory -
Felix had a very happy early childhood, he would play with his friends, etc. Normal, fun things. That is until he entered high school.
A bullying issue started to sprout, children would tease and push him, at first, it was mostly just like a occasional push and a kick, (not good at all, obviously), but it escalated quickly.
The physical bullying stopped, mostly, although kids were calling him awful names, and would laugh at him. It was awful.
All this combined with Victor, who is transgender and used to be Victoria, constantly asking him to be her girlfriend, Felix who is gay, denied her requests. Leaving him feeling guilty, and her feeling sad and disappointed. Made Felix very sad and feeling lost.
The second year of middle school was over, and over the summer, Victor changed gender.
At first it was a big change, but they got used each other quickly.
Victor decided to ask Felix again, if he loved him, he expected denial, like the previous times, but he was surprised by his answer.
Felix had months to think, and Victor was a boy now, so, finally, he decided.
Becoming Victor's boyfriend was a saving grace for him, Victor helped him feel a bit better, but it wasn't working very well.
The bullying had gotten to him, he started to believe the things people said to him, that he was ugly, useless and fat.
He started to overeat, mostly because he likes food a lot, but also because it helped him not feel so awful, he was trying to eat his sadness away, essentially. I worked a little, but after a while, he felt worse, and, he was getting because of his weight, and what happens when you eat too much? You gain weight. So, the bullying was getting worse and worse, and he was getting more miserable.
Victor saved him, being the only person for him in this time of need, he comforted him, and was there for him, every step of the way.
Eventually, he graduated, the bullying was over, although he left with zero self-esteem and he was still overeating.
Now, he's trying to recover from that trauma, and Victor being by his side the whole time, he has a little self-esteem, but it's still very low, and he still overeats, but Victor's trying to help him recover.
Victor is also so important to Felix in particular is because Victor actually likes Felix's appearance, thinking that he is cute and beautiful, he complements him often, although they don't help Felix very much, they do make him feel slightly better.