Danganronpa - Transcend Hope | Trailer

Published 2019-07-08
New project:

You may have to double click the green flag to sync up the project.

Class Trial Demo/Test: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/320386484/

Prologue [Part 1]:

~~~~~~~ Danganronpa - Scratch Edition ~~~~~~~

Join the students of Hope's Peak Academy, and of course your friendly neighborhood Monokuma, as the prepare for a despair inducing experience.


What's up peeps, so I was thinking of remaking Danganronpa - Scratch Edition. I've actually been wanting to do this for a while. Also, I remade most of the cast with new designs and larger cast.

I'm still deciding if I want this to either be a game or a series. If it's a game, then I'll try and release a demo of the class trial system.