Super Hot Wings v2.1

這是有一個有物理引擎的遊戲!加速度、空氣阻力、地心引力都寫進去了!如果想要看我做這個遊戲過程中的點點滴滴可以到我的FB 粉絲專頁看!
This is a simulation of physics! There is acceleration, air resistance, and even gravity acceleration! If you want to see my dev log for this game, you can go to my Facebook page! If you have a better suggestion for the name of this game, please let me know in the comments!

Update notes:
- 2020/1/29 Ver 1.0 released
- 2020/2/1 Ver 1.1 new trail system implemented for player
- 2020/2/10 Ver 1.2 updated the new trail system to all of planes and missiles
-2020/2/13 Ver 1.3 Background changes according to time, HUD elements are in white for better visibility against dark backgrounds
- 2020/2/16 Bugfix: Missile collision with enemy planes not working in night background fixed
- 2020/2/22 Ver 1.4 Booster added
- 2020/2/23 Ver 1.5 Performance improvement, enemies now don't render health bar at full health, making the game run much much smoother
- 2020/2/24 Ver 1.6 Dealing damage to enemies will give the player bonus energy, encouraging faster more reckless playstyles
-2020/2/26 Ver 2.0 Major update! Added menu systems and the long-overdue retry button. I also added a menu for selecting powers. Currently available powers: Boost, Spike, and my favorite Pulse.