<--\\Sunday Best || 500+ meme //-->

Published 2020-05-02
Edit:UHHH whyisthis#4ontrendingfor"meme"??
Edit#2: It's finally off the list thank god
Edit#3: please go look at my good stuff. This is nasty

So I hit 500 today??? Which is honestly crazy, I never expected this many people to like my art???

So thank you??

Anyways, I wanted to do something fun for 500, but also something quick so people didn't get bored. So after brainstorming a LOT, I was listening to this song, and I was like "yes this is what I'm doing". I had a vision for it, and it honestly turned out exactly how I envisioned it.

Thank you to everyone who has stuck with me these past 8 months. You are all amazing, supportive, wonderful people, and you've made my experience here 10x better.

And special thanks to these heccs for dealing with my stupidity all the time:
and everyone else in COTAC and AnimationClan. You are all wonderful people and I'm so glad I've gotten to know you all <33

Anyways, enjoy this. I spent all week on it for this moment :,0

Thank you @kirah201 for helping me with the anatomy for the last image, I couldn't have made that look the way it did without your help.
Song- Sunday Best ~ Surfaces
Art- @banditoqq__
Coding- @banditoqq_
Character- Zak
Time taken- All together, about 27 hours

Please note that if I stop responding to congrats, its not because I don't care, its because I have things still that I need to finish ^^ I genuinely care for each and everyone of you, and I hope you guys have a wonderful rest of your day. Stay safe, and wash your hands <33

Also yes, you can do this meme with my coding
Just like...don't blatantly copy my art. Or recolor it.
Please. This is very, very special to me. So like...respect that. Please <33