QPK Season 2: shsl veterinarian

Published 2014-12-20
edit: ill prob redo this sometime. dust some things off.

name [ western order ] - Paris Ray Shiraki
nicknames/alias - Parry, Ris, Ray, doormat.
age - 16 [ 17 December ]
gender expression - non-binary agender [ they/theirs and he/his ]
height - 5'11
weight - 122 lbs
S.O - grey-ace demi-romantic
title - SHSL veterinarian [ specialising in companion animals ]

brief appearance -
tall, borderline lanky, with sloping shoulders and wiry, corded muscles. he bears a remarkably thin, feminine face, spattered with freckles and framed by soft, dark chocolate curls. murky grey-blue eyes, often distant or distracted and coupled with a wry, thin-lipped half-grin. ashen pale complexion.
clothing-wise, in terms of what he usually wears, his slightly-on-the-big-side labcoat, an orange jumper, and a white collared shirt with a grey-ish tie. he typically also wears black leggings, starry grey socks hidden under his mock combat boots. [ he gets cold easily so he has a tendency to layer up ]
accessory-wise, in terms of jewelry, he solely wears his earrings [ small pink star studs, lower ear lobe. only piercing ]. on both wrists, he wears an odd array of both old and new rubber bands, hairbands, and loose loops of string offcuts. [ if questioned, he'll say that he wears them 'just in case', but they're really for a more personal, private reason ]

brief personality summary - [ [ pre-despair ] ]
[ positive ]
loyal to a fault --
observant --
selfless --
kind --
passionate --

[ neutral ]
obsessive --
over-analytic --
intelligent, fast learner --
represses and internalises feelings --

[ negative ]
outwardly aloof --
easily attached --
sleep dependent --
takes things too personally --
prone to overloading himself --
responds poorly under stress/shock/anxieties --
self-conscious --

weaknesses -
weak tolerance for gore and scenes of violence
[ avoids watching horror movies and slasher fics specifically because he cannot stand all the gore and such. ]
incredibly poor spelling, spells phonetically
[ this stems from a period in his childhood where his eyesight started to worsen, and he ended up missing a chunk of his education. specifically his spelling. he is INCREDIBLY SELF-CONSCIOUS about this. typing on devices with spell-check, with web searches etc, he's okay with, but it takes him time and patience. writing freehand,, ESPECIALLY IN FRONT OF OTHERS, makes him incredibly anxious since he fears they'll translate this issue as a lack of intelligence and label him as 'dumb'. because of how much writing around others stresses him, his handwriting will look shaky and scribbly. ]
fears: centipedes, intense gore and violence ( repulsion )
Allergies: mild negative reactions to nickel

habits -
- goes dead silent when angry in the hopes that the second party will back off and desist
- prone to night terrors and habitual destructive behaviour when/after experiencing intense shock/grief/panic. his sleep patterns in particular are very affected by such episodes.
- has a tendency to adopt habitual behaviour easily, things like drumming fingers, speech patterns, etc, from those around him.

additional notes -
- has been a vegetarian for three years! he's pretty passionate about the fact that eating and financially supporting the killing of animals is not good.
- VERY SELF-CONSCIOUS about wearing glasses, wears contacts since he is is very very short-sighted. he does actually have a pair of glasses, but wouldn't be caught dead wearing them.
- huge twin peaks buff,,
- knows and can speak both japanese and english fluently
- when faced with a challenge that requires thought, he clips his hair back with either a pink/grey plastic hairclip or a similar hairband.
- he finds cruelty, in all shapes and forms, inexcusable
- on the otherhand, kindness is what he values most in others
- absolutely hates it when kids/people kick at or chase off pigeons or seagulls. he will hate ur guts if he sees u doing that. calling them flying rodents or vermin will not help either.

brief history -
-- uh uh uh coming later, I swear I'll write it all out --
- moms a Japanese tutor and dads an artist
- mom's eyesight took a turn for the worse when he was ten, has trouble at school, got pulled out for counselling and home-ed,