Overtime / 2

Published 2020-07-14
OH MY GOSH am i proud of this-- the part's pretty fast paced so i had to do a LOT of animation but it was so worth it!!! i actually got this looking smooth for once as well, and what-- this was actually how i pictured it? my map parts always come out too cringey, too cheesy, too sketchy or too whatever but i'm very proud of this, glad i took the part. hope there isn't too much fourth wall breaking here--- i can change it i guess-- the first transition is meant to look like the death animation, and the arrow is the chapter 7 death transition, and that's what the strawberries do when you pick them up. (the goldens you have to do a whole level without dying, aa, aaaaa,, aaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA--)
consider this a celebration of me FINALLY doing the 5A golden uwu . i did it. aaa
i swear those strawberries are mocking me
(i'm doing 2b now, wish me luck--)

transition frame is by @Camlikeswarriors
i know her part isn't finished yet; just showing you what it'll look like. if anyone knows if she finished lemme know so i can change this uwu
my thumbnails hate me