Giving away some more information about me

Published 2021-04-09

Q 1: How many unshared projects do you have at the moment?
A: 12

Q 2: Would you change your username if you could? If so, what would it be?
A: No

Q 3: Would you rather have fake or real flowers in your house?
A: Real

Q 4: Favorite class in school at the moment?
A: History

Q 5: What is your favorite letter?
A: D

Q 6: Do you like/watch anime?
A: No

Q 7: What are your favorite YouTubers/streamers?
A: CrashCourse

Q 8: What job do you want in the future?
A: Don't know yet

Q 9: Do your parents/guardians know about your account/your followers?
A: Yep

Q 10: How many pillows do you sleep with at night?
A: This question feels a little too personal

Q 11: Do you prefer digital art or traditional art?
A: Traditional

Q 12: Colour pencils or markers?
A: Color Pencils

Q 13: What's your favorite song(s) at the moment?
A: I don't know

Q 14: What's your favorite mythical creature?
A: Do hobbits count?

Q 15: Are you a good or bad speller?
A: I'm ae grate speeler!!!

Q 16: Trivia Time! How many seas are there?
A: 7?

Q 17: Do you need glasses?
A: Sometimes

Q 18: Have you ever climbed a tree?
A: Only a small branch

Q 19: Have you ever remixed a project?
A: I mean this is a remix

Q 20: Do you have curly hair? (It seems like I'm the only person who has curly hair ;___;)
A: This question feels a little too personal

Q 21: Are you a sleep talker?
A: This question feels a little too personal

Q 22: What are some pet peeves you have?
A: I hate most abbreviations for normal sentences (ex. IRL, TMI, TGIF, etc..) (I am okay with Idk though)

Q 23: Are you a messy person?
A: Yes

Q 24: What made-up character would you like to meet? (Such as ones from a movie or book series)
A: Pippin from Lord of the Rings (Peregrin Took)

Q 25: Have you had any other accounts before this one?
A: @The_5th_Scratch_User

Q 26: How many accounts do you have in total on Scratch?
A: 7+

Q 27: Are you indecisive?
A: I can't decide

Q 28: Are you an introvert or extrovert? (Or ambivert?)
A: I really don't know

Q 29: What superpower do you want?
A: The power to have any superpower I want at any moment

Q 30: Do you sleep with socks on?
A: No

Q 31: Do you like hoodies?
A: Sure

Q 32: How many messages would you say you get in a day?
A: 2 (Annoying studio messages)

Q 33: Do you write stories? If so, how young were you when you wrote your first story?
A: Not really

Q 34: Can you cross your eyes?
A: No

Q 35: What is your most popular project (in views)?
A: 110 Views :0 (My average is 2)

Q 36: Have you ever been on "What the community is loving" or "What the community is remixing"? (Or being featured!)
A: NO :(

Q 37: If you haven't been featured already, do you want to be?
A: Yeah

Q 38: Do you overthink things?
A: Yes

Q 39: Have people vented to you before?
A: I guess

Q 40: Do you create nicknames for your friends/family members?
A: This question feels a little too personal

Q 41: Do you know more than one language?
A: Si, pero solo un poquito

Q 42: What color eyes do you like the most?
A: Yellow, Green, or Light Blue

Q 43: Have you dyed your hair before?
A: No

Q 44: What's your zodiac sign?
A: Gemini

Q 45: How many ocs do you have?
A: 10? (Mainly 3)

Q 46: Which spelling do you prefer? Grey or Gray?
A: Grey

Q 47: Who's your first follower?
A: Me

Q 48: Who was the first person YOU followed?
A: Me

Q 49: What features do you want into Scratch?

Q 50: How did you find out about Scratch?
A: School is when I first really used it

Q 51: Do you have a song stuck in your head? If so, what is it/what line is it?
A: I don't think so

Q 52: Do you need braces or have you had them?
A: Probably need them

Q 53: What's your least favorite colour?
A: I don't know

Q 54: Family or friends?
A: Family ALWAYS comes first

Q 55: Do you have a friend that you're more close to than the others?
A: I don't think so

Q 56: Would you rather read online books or hard copy books?
A: Hard Copy

Q 57: Can you fall asleep to the sound of rain?

Q 58: What colour do you have the most of in your room?
A: White

Q 59: What milestones are you close to (as in followers)?
A: 60

Q 60: Are you a patient person?

Q 61: What's your favorite thing to drink?
A: Water

Q 62: Cheesecake or normal cake?
A: No Idea (Both are good)

Q 63: Vanilla or Chocolate?
A: Vanilla

Q 64: Did you answer my first project, "64 random questions"?
A: Yes

(I skipped question 60 as a joke that I wasn't patient with these questions. But I think I am a patient person)

Toby Fox for Undertale Ost