Outrunning Karma | Animation Test

Published 2022-02-12
──★˚──◌─ I n s t r u c t i o n s ─◌──☆˚──

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──★˚──◌─ C r e d i t s ─◌──☆˚──

• Animation : @bodi3
• Art : @bodi3
• Program : Scratch 3.0
• Music : Alec Benjamin - Outrunning Karma

If you use anything in this project, please clearly give credit to me as @bodi3 wherever you use it.

──★˚──◌─ N o t e s ─◌──☆˚──

Before we get into anything else, lemme link an awesome animation by @RainbowGeckos which was where I first heard this song ^^

(Check it out! It's awesome! ^^)

I first heard Outrunning Karma in the above linked project, and I found the music having such a peaceful vibe that I instantly liked the sound of it. Later on, I heard the full song in one of @-Sukii's projects and eventually decided to make my own animation of it.

Now, let's talk about the animation! xD

When many of my followers ask me for tips, I always tell them to 'experiment' often. If you were confused what 'experimenting' means, this is a great example to help you understand! =3

Along with this being a lip sync practice, I tried to use a constant FPS for all the scenes, which is something I don't often do. It was an effort to place myself in a similar situation to using a program other than Scratch to animate.

In Scratch, using coding tools, you can manipulate the FPS of your animation. This means - for example - while one part of the animation would have costumes switching after 0.05 secs (20 FPS), another part could costumes switching after 0.1 secs (10 FPS).

That is one of the pros of animating on Scratch, since you can adjust the framerate to what suits the part you're animating. However, most animation programs don't support this (which makes Scratch special!) so I tried to animate this full sequence with a constant FPS. Using a 'repeat' script, kind of like an animation engine!

Secondly, I experimented with colours! This is my first time creating an animation which is entirely in monochrome. For this, I simply focused on NOT using the 'Saturation' slider in the Scratch Vector Editor, and instead - showing the colour values and tones through brightness.

So folks, what I mean when I tell you to 'experiment' is to try something new! Trying new things is the greatest way to make affective improvement. ^^ In my case, I tried to use a constant FPS and build a framerate engine, and I tried to draw in monochrome colours.

Now, let's talk about the song!

Outrunning Karma has such a peaceful yet dark vibe to it, which I absolutely loved! (I'm a sucker for acoustic music haha =P) I've been playing this song on my guitar (which helped me animate the first scene) and it has become one of my favourite songs.

As a Sri Lankan Buddhist, I know and believe in religious law of 'karma'. And even though this song isn't a religious one, it explains karma very well. Karma is the result of one's actions. If your actions are good, karma will reward you. If your actions are bad, then your karma will lead to your downfall.

The song tells the story of an unnamed criminal, trying to outrun his own karma from having forsaken and lied to people. But he cannot hide, since his karma is always chasing him to punish him. He will have to live in fear of karma catching up to him, until death.

And finally, let's talk about my two beloved OCs!

Banana and Ashane got to be together for this animation, since they were my earliest OCs for Power Force. And also since I thought two OCs - one girl and one boy - would make this look like a duet!

So I added the two, giving them contradicting outfits. And giving Banana a guitar for the first time! Since she is my Scratch persona - of course she can play guitar! xD

And finally, some updates on irl things. My academic work is piling up, with several oncoming exams. So I might not be able to create animations as often as I used to. Previously, I released 1 or 2 animations per month. But I think I will have to lessen that to maybe one animation per 2 or 3 months :'0

I will get back to animating 23/6 once all my studies are completed though! UwU

Also, tomorrow is my 5th Scratchiversary! I've been on Scratch for half a decade :0

And that brings us to the end of this very long note! Thank you very much for reading through all of it (unless if you just scrolled lol) and thank you very much for viewing this project!

Until we meet again in my next project, Ciao! ^^

- Banana Boss (@bodi3)

#Animations #Art #Music #Stories #bodi3 #Ashane #Banana #PowerForce