Species Profile: Southern Cassowary, World's Deadliest Bird

Published 2022-12-13
Credits: Information sources from Google
Save the Cassowaries! : https://www.cassowaryconservation.asn.au/cassowaries.html
More Cassowary Facts:
They are the heaviest bird in Australia.
Standing between 1.5 and 2 meters in height and weighing anywhere from 110 pounds to over 160 pounds, the cassowary has been named the heaviest bird in Australia. Although full-grown females are larger and more aggressive than males, both are unpredictable birds.

They attack up to 200 people every year
Swiftly karate-kicking whoever approaches them with their powerful legs, over 200 cassowary attacks are reported every year. Of these 200, 70% of attacks occur due to people trying to get up close to the cassowary, wanting to feed them, causing the cassowary to feel threatened. Although there are hundreds of attacks every year, the last recorded death caused by a cassowary was in 1926.