
Published 2023-03-05
Thank you scratch team for featured!!!
Essentially, the game is my fun little tribute to Hollow Knight and the Muffet fight from Undertale. I also did my fair share of research for this game, too, and even watched videos about how cockroaches move for one of the enemies! All in all, I put lots of effort into this game and I hope you like it!
Thanks to @Blobert_The_Slime for Maurice's name!
Congrats @XxxfirefoxyGirl for getting a score of 248 and filling up the entire leaderboard cloud variable -_-

Song: Bootlegger Boogie from Cuphead by Kristofer Maddigan (this song plays while you're fighting against a gang of bugs in Cuphead, so I thought it would be rather fitting here!)

#games #animation #all