requiem of the lost

Published 2024-01-09
man im gonna go on a long ass rant right now so if you wanna hear me yap read whatever below just view

not gonna lie american morals are really deeply rooted in racism and white supremacy.
let’s take the israel-hamas conflict right now.
actually, naw i hate saying that. let’s take the israel-palestinian genocide right now. I’m gonna give a rundown of this thing and you’ve read too far anyways to click off.
Israel believes a land that is not theirs is theirs. There has been an ethn!c cleansing and k!lling of palestinians going on for over 60 years under israel’s rule. Only now have people in palestine have started to speak up, but as soon as that happens (oct. 7th, 2023) of course war is declared because speaking up automatically makes you a perpetrator.
Remember the time briefly after 9/11 where many muslims were hatecrimed against because apparently all muslims are terrorists? this is the same reasoning they use with hamas. Because apparently all muslims are STILL terrorists. People and places that aren’t even associated with hamas are being bombed, women and children not only included but EMPHASIZED, which really does go to show not only how unethical this entire situation is, but yknow what i shouldn’t even be talking about how this is racist. i should be talking about the sheer amount of palestinians that have died vs how many israeli people have. the death rate is incomparable.
Not only is america’s support for isreal rooted in white supremacy, but also in greed. we’re siding with isreal because they said that they’d give us oil and disguising it as “all muslims are terrorists and that’s bad so this is okay” and “genocide is okay as long as it isn’t the white people are dying because anyone who ain’t white is automatically racially inferior”.
i do find it ironic that when you do point out the apparent racism YOU start being targeted for being racist and a N@z! because apparently speaking against an ethnic cleansing makes you racist.
Even holocaust survivors stand with palestine. what are we gonna do now, call THEM n@z!s?
if i get banned for speaking the truth, or this is taken down, fine. But whatever i do to get the point across, i will do. Ignorance is a luxury we can afford. But there are people out there, ones that are paying a much bigger price than we are.
My commisions are open, half of the funds i receive will go to support palestine. Thank you for reading, and please spread awareness + boycott. You matter, and so does your voice. Again, thank you and goodbye.