New Florida Laws Means No More Reptiles !

Published 2024-01-23

All Comments (2)
  • I'm a animal keeper of endless animals, from purebred dogs, too fox, too land bird's...... since 1990. I still can't believe how most states banned fur Fox, and it still gets me sick of the states where you can't keep your dogs on chains!!! These people who Ban don't know animal husbandry and animals. Anyways such law's will never effect me as just like anything that is a crime we still do it.... But it is ridiculous with banning animals and yet πŸ‚ sh laws. So much for land of the free πŸ˜‚ America the land of controlling everything. Yet alone controlling how to keep your dog. Anyways i can't believe how 2008 NYS banned monitors and pythons. I look at it as f..k it as no wonder why everything in this country is coming to a end with the endless never before.