DR. JORDAN PETERSON EXPLAINS: Canada is a sinking ship

Publicado 2024-01-27
Clinical psychologist Dr. Jordan Peterson explains why Canada has deteriorated. In his own words, selected from an exclusive interview with Sun political columnist Brian Lilley.

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @derek89273
    Once Trudeau leaves, the country needs to look hard at our constitution and parliamentary polices and never allow this to happen again. There’s no accountability in Canada.
  • @tonydamiani7353
    I've said for years that Canada needs a constitution where our rights and freedoms cannot be infringed upon.
  • @Mrmilkytwilight
    When I first moved to Canada in 2014; it seemed to be a promising place with people having smiles on their face. Now nobody smiles. Everyone's pissed off.
  • @shanh9035
    My nurse friend wanted to emmigrate to Canada from Australia, so found a job in a town called London. She said she worked 3 x 12 hour shifts a week, which wasn't enough, and she wasn't able to work more despite wanting to due to the bureaucracies running the show. She said the healthcare system was always short staffed, she was terribly underpaid (hardly any penalty rates compared with Australia), had to turn up early and stay back late for handover by 30 minutes each shift, unpaid, just expected, and an incredible amount of her salary had to be given to the union, which was compulsory.  She knew of staff in the short time she was there that left Canada for the US so they could work more, get overtime and live a better life. Needless to say she came back to Australia after 6 months and said if she stayed there she would become the working poor.
  • @ltsG1956
    It's shows what can happen when you have an incompetent PM for 8 years ,who has minimal leadership skills and an agenda driven by personal ego
  • @CSUnger
    t’s not just Canada. The entire formerly Christian West is now running on the fumes of our former liberties. He is exactly right that our children will suffer the consequences of our pursuing material prosperity over moral integrity.
  • @brodieallard6638
    I've had many discussions with the Mexican Consulate in Toronto over the last several years getting my ducks in a row for retirement and moving to Mexico. According to them there has been a massive spike in Canadians moving out of Canada to Mexico in the last several years. According to them Mexico is continuing to expect these large number for several more years. Canadian Covid restrictions, Inflation etc..etc... are the reasons. Even with Trudumb gone the damage has been done. Canada is and never will be the same .
  • @moleahy6880
    I'm Canadian and in my early 50's. Recently retired and I've lived in the US for the past thirty years. My American wife and I had thought about moving back to Canada for retirement. Mainly because of the healthcare and currency exchange rate. But I've never liked Trudeau and when I saw how the government acted during Covid, how individual freedoms and rights were just thrown away, and how so many of many fellow countrymen just meekly obeyed and put their heads down like sheep, I said no way and no how. Remaining in the US.
  • @549BR
    I didn't think Canada would go down the tubes before the US, but that's what's happening. Wake up folks.
  • @clherms
    Drove through Canada last summer (B.C. and Yukon). It was shocking to me - so much homelessness; everything so expensive; a real lack of economic energy in the cities I went through. How do most people make it economically day to day?
  • @MonkeyMind69
    Canada is not just a sinking ship... So is the U.S., and most other developed countries. Problem is... most people still haven't woken up to the fact that this is being all being done quite deliberately.
  • @RuiR.
    Canadians should choose their leaders more carefully
  • I agree our judiciary is supposed to stand up for average Canadians. Our constitution is to restrict our governments, NOT the citizenry. Yet, every time during covid when we needed our courts to curtail Trudeau and stand up for our democratic Rights and Freedoms they deferred to the government. Judges failed us each and every time!!!!
  • @lorenzell3104
    I know of a pastor who just left Canada and took a job in the USA. In his application, he said his primary motivation for seeking a new position was to get out of Canada. My guess is that there are many others. Must be pretty bad if it's worse than Mississippi.
  • @viscountiss
    I often think about how this crisis which is located not only Canada, but the whole western civilization can be stopped....but im afraid there is no happy ending
  • @DonTruman
    I visited Ontario many times the past 4 years and increasingly it felt creepy. Clean, but also suffocating. Was always eager to get back to the USA (with all of its problems). I certainly hope Canadians reject promises of politicians to take care of them, in favor of liberty to live their lives as they choose, and then choose politicians accordingly.