Golden Hippo...

Published 2024-07-09

All Comments (21)
  • @ALaz502
    This hitboxes are a deep cut reference to Dark Souls 2.
  • Golden Hippopotamus... Devourer of Cameras, Eviscerator of Healthbars, Subjugator of I-Frames, Annihilator of Patience, Enactor of Property Destruction... he goes by many titles
    Actually had a worse time fighting this boss than Gaius.
  • @krissy989
    If you fought the boss and killed it, then you beat it the right way. Great work, brave Tarnished. :)
  • @CashOut670
    to avoid the grab attack just run left or right, then summon. i doubt the devs even wanted to it be possible to roll out of it. i beat the boss first try after getting to it by using the other dodge methods than purely the dodge roll.
  • @br3hbmc79
    Sometimes it amazes me how much difficulty people have with easy bosses. To dodge the charge you just sprint to your left and roll, not stroll right into the corner to get violated by the hungry hungry whatever the fuck that is because it isn't a hippo
  • Great video man. a tactic i have found works well against golden hippo is to just never dodge backward or forward, all his attacks are all bark and no bite a simple wel timed dodge (or just running away) is usually gona do it.
  • @aspid164
    I used the best tactic for an overwhelming opponent: running away and throwing black fireballs. Also worked with Dancing Lion and Renella (but lightning for the latter)
  • @b-d9099
    Pre patch light roll may as well have been mandatory for the grab it was ridiculous
  • To me it was probably easiest boss of the dlc that i care to remember
  • Have you considered not summoning AS SOON AS YOU STEP THROUGH THE FOGWALL? That would help with the camera clipping, at least
  • @panito2048
    He used the skibidi summon 😂😂😂
  • Wtf, I killed it first time I saw it. I was just thinking why they made this boss so lame. Design cool but so easy, omg
  • Imo. Spirit ashes are an illusion to an easier mode. They severely nerfed them post launch base game. They die before you and since you summon them--- The enemies get a huge hp and attack buff. The only reason to do multi-player and spirit ashes parties is for status effect stacks, and poise break from the barrage of different hits twice as often. Having more than one party member forces you to be aggressive but also needing to know and dodge the attacks from different angles to make sure they don't kill you from behind when you aren't even directly targeted. Bosses in elden ring now has poise regen I've noticed at least slightly. If you 1, 2, 3. Poise break, but if you 1, 2.... 3. It won't always poise break even if the hits are the exact same.
  • @thiopental_iv
    Awesome 🔥 This channel will have 20k+ subs in 2026. Please repost my comment when it happens.
  • Played from launch and didnt have a problem with any of the hippos lol. Get better